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Want to make money on the side? Try these 6 business ideas

Updated: Feb 27, 2020

‘Side hustles’ have become a very popular term amongst the working population in Kenya. This is because of the shrinking permanent and pensionable positions in both government and private sector, pushing most employers to prefer employing on contractual basis and renewal of employment is based on availability of funding and performance. Therefore you can find yourself employed today and tomorrow out of work. As a result so many people are looking for a soft landing in case they find themselves in the cold hence the rise of side hustles.

When money is tight, here are few income generating activities you can engage in while still holding your job or at the comfort of your home in Kenya;

Online work

Online work is increasing gaining popularity in Kenya amongst the youth not just as a side hustle, but a mainstream income generating activity. These jobs are more lucrative because you only require a reliable internet connection and you can do it at the comfort of your home. No wonder, in 2017 the government launched a campaign dubbed online work is work with an aim to bridge youth unemployment numbers. If you choose to engage in online work, some of the best platforms to explore are not limited to; feverr, Upwork, FreeUp. The risks involved are limited and the pay is good.

Air bnb services

If you own a home or rent a home that is big enough, you can set aside a room and host either local or international tourists to your home. The economic gains are worth the hustle, but it’s important to note that this is a seasonal venture so don’t expect clients throughout the year.


Increased mobile penetration, e-commerce, social media and mobile money have completely revolutionized retailing. You no longer need to set up actual retail shops but use the internet to set up and grow your business. Facebook is one of the best tools you can use to retail your merchandise online, and at the same time advertise your products to grow your clientele. All you need to do is identify your niche and let the internet do the working.


I know most of you are limited on space, but if at all you have enough, then farming would be an ideal side hustle. Think of growing fast moving farm products like tomatoes, spinach, kales, and even rearing chicken also pays fast. There is a ready market for these products in your neighborhood and beyond.


If you thought doing laundry is labor intensive, allow me to convince you otherwise. With a washing machine, doing laundry is not only a piece of cake but a lucrative business venture. The growing middle-income population and bachelors who prefer to have their laundry done for them make good clients. The returns are good with very little expenses involved.

Hands on skills

Do you know how to bake, crotchet, drive? Well these are just a few hands on skills you can invest your spare time on and pursue as a business venture. Some of them have moved from just being hobbies to full blown business.

At the end of it all it takes passion to drive any business, side hustle or mainstream income generating activity. Remember, don’t just follow the band wagon, choose your business idea wisely so that you don’t burn up your savings.

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